Monday, March 31, 2008


"Animal Farm"
The mood of the characters in the story was very happy because they thought they were doing everything to the best quality due to their leader's guidance. The animals always thought that their leader Napolean was doing his best providing for them, and sheltering them. As I read this story, I was deeply saddened. As a reader, I knew the fact that Napolean was only caring for the pigs, and almost all of the things he did was to support and provide for the pigs. The animals deserved a lot more than they were being paid for their labor. The pigs were worse supervisors than Mr. Jones, so as I was reading through the book, I constantly thought how it would've been better for the animals to have appreciated and accepted Mr. Jones of his treatment toward them. In the end, the pigs betrayed their fellow animals for power and comfort.

Main Characters

"Animal Farm"
The main characters of "Animal Farm" are Snowball and Napolean. They're both pigs, and took major leads when they overthrew Mr. Jones and claimed the farm for themselves.
Snowball had good ideas. If he had a country to run, then the country would have a democratic government system. He believed that the fellow animals should have a say in how their farm should run, believed that it would be necessary to have a meeting to distribute jobs, have meetings and have a conference, and he believed that the fellow animals should have a say in what decisions were to be made in the farm.
Napolean is a pig who became a leader after he got rid of Snowball. Napolean was a pig whose ideas differed greatly from ideas of Snowball. Napolean's country would've been ran by a communistic government because he believed that he had the complete power to decide who was better than others, who deserved more than others, and most importantly, who was more equal than others. Napolean basically brainwashed the fellow animals, using a pig named Squealer, into believing everything that he believed were correct.


"Animal Farm"
The story of Animal Farm took place in a world where animals are capable of logic, and have the capability of surviving by themselves. The animals learned how to read and write, how to take care and run a farm, and how to negotiate and plan a rebellion against humans, and create their own government. In the end of the book, the pigs even have fun with human beings by playing poker, telling each other jokes, and even drinking with them.
In this type of world, the story takes in an animal farm called the Manor Farm. The farm used to belong to a farmer named Mr. Jones. For a while, the Manor Farm has been known as the Animal Farm, but after Snowball was chased away from the Animal Farm and Napolean became the leader of the farm, the farm became known as the Manor Farm again.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Entry #3: What qualities would you like to have as a Greed god or goddess?

If I had a choice, I would probably choose to have the quality of Poseidon, the god of water, sea, ocean, HO2, and ect. I've always like the power given to Poseidon, because he's one of few gods that could both award and punish human beings. He has the power to bring raging storm of water and destroy human shelters, or even send beasts of the sea to punish, or even kill the human beings. On the contrary, he can provide sailors with waves that are good enough to sail, provide humans with fish to eat, and keep humans safe from the beasts of the sea. I especially like the trident that Poseidon always seems to carry on murals, paintings, and many other artistic works. The trident seems to make him more than he is. It gives him the look of having authority, and makes him look powerful, and infallable. I've always believed the trident to be some sort of magical wand that is used by rulers of the sea. It is seen and portrayed as a symbol of power. The only purpose of the trident is to manipulate the water, which is a very appropriate weapon a sea god should be carrying. If I had a chance, I would like to have the power of Poseidon.

(I just wrote what I knew)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Entry #2: Greek monsters

Image:Chimera Apulia Louvre K362.jpg
Chimera is a mythical monster that was made of many parts of different animals. In Homer, a Chimera is described as "a thing of immortal make, not human, lion-fronted and snake behind, a goat in the middle, and snorting out the breath of the terrible flame of bright fire." By many versions of myths, and many myth writers, Chimera is known to be a female from the beginning, although it has a mane on its lion face. Chimera was once known to be the sign of storms, shipwrecks, and natural disasters but mostly volcanoes. The Chimera defeated many heroes, and ended up killing most of them. It was finally defeated by a hero named Bellerophon with the help of Pegasus. Since Pegasus has wings and therefore can fly, he shot the Chimera with an arrow from a safe distance in the air where the Chimera isn't able to reach to hurt him. Bellerophon was commanded to fight offthe Chimera by king lobates of Lycia, whose original intenstion was to kill Bellerophon. Chimera was a motivation of many vase makers, who design their vases with mythical beings (shown above).

Wikipedia, "Chimera (mythology)." Wikipedia 9 March 2008 11 March 2008 .

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Entry #1: Greek god

This is Eros, the god of love. He usually uses his powers to make fun of people. The golden makes the victim fall in love with the first person that they see, and the silver arrow makes the victim hate the fist person who they see. Eros usually uses a combination of these two arrows, to make a person suffer with unbearable love toward another person, while that person who is being loved hates the person incredibly. The god of sun, Apollo, had to suffer from this, when he made fun of the tiny arrow of Eros. Eros was the son of Aphrodite (goddess of love) and Ares (god of war.) The major role of Eros in the mythology is to be the attendant of Aphrodite. Eros is the "troublemaker" of the mythology, probably because of his young age. He sometimes gets in a way of the destinies set by the gods, or sometimes ignores his mother, and doesn't create a love relationship that was meant to be between the two people. Eros is usually depicted as a young, naked boy with wings but in some variations of the story, he wears a blindfold due to the proverb "love is blind," and is described as bittersweet, or cruel, because he tortures the mortals and sometimes immortals as well, with his gift of being able to give, or take away love.

Wikipedia, "Eros." Wikipedia 8 March 2008 10 March 2008 .

Monday, March 3, 2008

Six Posts

Andrew Nam
Jesse Park
Jason Rhim
Josep Falta
David Kim
Sephen Kim

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Free Entry

I think that George Orwell is a very talented author. The story is so realistic that it makes me wonder whether or not he has actually lived in a dystopian world, and based the book on his experience. I've heard that George Orwell wrote this book because he didn't like the way the state of the world back then, and thought the world would be like the dystopian world portrayed in the book. So, the book was like a warning from George Owell. I highly recommend this book to people who are very emotional, and view the world in a negative way. They can read this book, and would be able to realize that their life of freedom isn't so bad after all. After reading about the sufferings that Winston had to go through, the emotional people are most likely to become happy, and view the world in a more beautiful and optimistic way.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Settings of 1984

The setting of 1984 is very disturbing. It's during the time where there are three major powers, and are always at war, so the people of the countries are always made to hate the opponents of the country that they live in. All of the freedom from the people are taken away, and the only people who have the closest things to freedom are the the people of the Inner Party, or the thought police. The citizens seems to worship the inner party members. The more disturbing part of the story was when people must spend a week of a month by practicing an event called hate week. During the hate week, the soldiers of the enemies of the country, and the picture of Goldstein comes out, and people scream insults, curses, and many other cruel things to those people's pictures. I don't think I'll be able to live in such a place where it's filled with hate, violence, and leaders who take away freedom in everyway.

Choose one passage and evaluate it

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears, It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid is wet, objects unsupported fall toward the earth's center. With the feeling that he was speaking to O'Briend, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, he wrote: Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four, If that is granted, all else follows."

This is when Winston was very frustrated that he couldn't do anything, and looked to the diary as only way to express his feelings. At that time, he had thought that O'Brien was on his side, and wanted to somehow have a conversation with him about the rebellion, and all of the other things that had to do with the Inner Party. The last sentence of this passage really made me think. It made me realize how beautiful the concept of freedom is, and how blessed I am to be able to live with such a priviledge. Winston was basically dying for freedom. He didn't like the fact that his every move was being watched, and that thinking is crime. Winston was talking about if the government says that two plus two equals five, then it is five. By writing the last sentence in the diary, I think Winston means that if the government is wrong, if should be allowed to correct them, not live in the way of their errors.

Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The three significant characters of this novel are Winston, Julia, and O'Brien. Winston is a character who has the thought of rebellion against the Inner Party and Big Brother from the beginning to most of the end. When he is captured and is sent to the Ministry of Love, through all of the torture and interviews, Winston is gradually brainwashed and in the end, admires the Big Brother like as if he's never held any animosity towards him. I really like this character. He resembles very well. If I believe that something is right, I believe in that opinion very strongly. However, I do not think that I would be able to stay with this belief through series of torture, brainwashing, threats, and the possibility of being eaten by a group of vicious rats. Like him, instead of being able to sustain my belief, I would give up, and chose to stick to the status quo.
Julia is a fellow rebellion with Winston. She has already commited many acts that were considered as crimes by the Dystopian world portrayed in 1984. After meeting Winston, they tried to find the organization called "Brotherhood" which was known to be an underground rebellion group against the Inner Party. I like Julia also. She's worked with Winston to pursue their goal. She kept on with her goal, and did many things to achieve it.
I like O'Brien the most. Although many people might see him as a traitor and artedan untrusty person, in my point of view, he did something that he believed in, and worked hard to maintain his high possition in the Inner Party, and did his best to capture his enemy, and making them believe in what he thought was the right belief.
I think humans will try to do something that they believe is correct. So, this basically means that there aren't the absolute right or wrong when it comes to beliefs. (excluding religion...)