Monday, October 27, 2008

Post #2 of RedWall

In this part of the book, the antagonist camed Cluny is more thoroughly introduced. As a reader, I was able to get more of an idea about Cluny, and what type of person (rat) he is. He is good leader who is very persistent, endless, and very picky. Although he would be a favorable charater if hewas a good guy, because he is the evil rat who is trying to disrupt the peace of RedWall, he is impossible to be liked. The theme of the parts of the book, where it is told on Cluny's view, is curruption. Everything that Cluny has in charge of is currupted: from his base to every single one of his battle tactics. On the other hand, everything in RedWall is perfect. They never lost a single battle yet. When the rats had unfair advantage over the mice of RedWall, the mice just won. To make the matters worse, the mice oversaw every single tactic that were planned by Cluny, and successfully defended themselves from getting into any peril.
I personallydon't like these kinds of books where the good guys win without even breaking a sweat. I enjoy books in which the main characters struggles yet never gives up, and due to his determination, he either wins or loses.