Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I think the climax of this book is when the pigs appear in front of their fellow animals on their two feet, when they've continuously been chanting "four legs good, two legs bad." The sheeps, who were really into this chant were one day taken by a persuader among the pigs named "Squealer" and were taught something new. Sheeps, who were dumb in nature, appearently listened to Squealer as he was giving his lessons to them because, the sheeps did exactly what the pigs wanted them to do. When there was a procession of the pigs in front of the animals, the sheeps started to chant something rather new. They yelled "four legs good, two legs better." I was especially shocked at this because, I finally understood what the true purpose of the pigs. They wanted to become something that they've hated for years: humans. I really hate people like him. People who betray his/her friends just so that they can enjoy the glory.


Kangaroo said...

I agree with you that the part you chose in the book is the climax. It is pretty shocking when the pigs come out acting as the one thing they hated the most. Great job! I think you might have put more info that I did...

Stephan Kim said...

Although I partially agree with you, I think that the climax was right before ending, when other animals found out that Napolean was playing cards with other farm owners. Other animals had trusted the pig until then. However, the novel ended suggesting that Napolean wasn't different from other farm owners. Good job in blogging anway.

2hanl2da said...

There were lots of minor climax throughout the story. Although I personally thought the central climax in the book was when Napoleon kicks Snowball out, I can see how the part you have chosen can be a climax.

I think the climax of this novel was when Napoleon kicks Snowball out because this is the point of no return for Snowball. Napoleon chases Snowball and he becomes an absolute leader. No one dare to argue against him. And that is the part where the conflicts between Snowball and Napoleon ended.

Anyways, you did chose the right climax. :)