Thursday, April 3, 2008


1. Andrew Nam
2. Erik Kang
3. Jason Rhim
4. Evie Lee
5. Dave An
6. Alex Noh

Free Entry

The pigs broke many of the rules that have been written by Snowball. The rules are called the seven commandment, and it is as follows.
1. whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy
2. whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend
3. no animal shall wear clothes
4. no animal shal sleep in a bed
5. no animal shall drink alcohol
6. no animal shall kill any other animal
7. all animals are equal

Pigs have always broken these rules, and told a pig named Squealor to make convince their fellow animals that what they have done is right. So, Squealor always went into the barn secretly, and changed the seen commandment. Here are the revised commandments.

1. No animal shall sleep in a bed WITH SHEETS
2. No animal shall kill any other animal WITHOUT CAUSE
3. No animal shall drink alcohol TO EXCESS
4. Four legs good, two legs better..
5. All animals are equalbut some animals are more equal than others.

The pigs have proven themselves to be hipocrites big time.

Significant Passage

"Animal Farm"
"Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No Question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again, but already it was impossible to say which was which."

This passage really made me think. I knew that pigs were taking advantages of their power, but I could never have guessed that they became exactly what they have meant to get rid of. I think George Orwell tried to tell us that power can turn a human being into anything; even a hypocrite. Napoleon seemed to be a nice pig who deserved people's trust. Although there were controvercies of ideas between Snowball and Napoleon, I just thought that Napolean was recommending his idea because he thought that following his ideas will make Animal farm successful. However, after he gained power, he started to be filled with greedy desires. I think that George Orwell is trying to tell us that the main cause of a dystopian world is greed. Because Napolean became greedy, he wanted everything to be better for his "race" than any other. Because humans are the superior race in Earth, Napolean might have thought that the pigs must become more like human to become superior in the farm.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I think the climax of this book is when the pigs appear in front of their fellow animals on their two feet, when they've continuously been chanting "four legs good, two legs bad." The sheeps, who were really into this chant were one day taken by a persuader among the pigs named "Squealer" and were taught something new. Sheeps, who were dumb in nature, appearently listened to Squealer as he was giving his lessons to them because, the sheeps did exactly what the pigs wanted them to do. When there was a procession of the pigs in front of the animals, the sheeps started to chant something rather new. They yelled "four legs good, two legs better." I was especially shocked at this because, I finally understood what the true purpose of the pigs. They wanted to become something that they've hated for years: humans. I really hate people like him. People who betray his/her friends just so that they can enjoy the glory.